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Government Building

Translating Research into Policy & Action

Free Training & Resources for ECE Professionals

Click on the Links Below to Access Free Resources

This free 5-hour online evidence-based course has been shown to increase preschool teachers' coping skills and reduce their use of exclusionary discipline practices.

Complete the linked contact form to access a suite of tools and resources to promote and assess teachers' emotion-focused teaching practices from

Children Playing in Circle

The UIC Collaborative for Young Children & Families

At UIC, Early Childhood Education (ECE) spans departments, colleges, and even the east-west campus structure, from medical initiatives around health and wellness as related to child development to collaborations between psychology and education where policies are influenced. There are neighborhood, city, state, and federal level implications associated with all things related to Early Childhood. Early Childhood Education (ECE) is situated in the College of Education, and connects in many ways to other Early Childhood initiatives on campus, formally and informally. This site is created to help anyone interested in Early Childhood Education, or Early Childhood more generally, navigate the programming, people, and partnerships that have developed over several decades at UIC. The important work in Early Childhood often originates from a complicated web of connections due to historical and institutional factors. We hope this website will 1) lead ECE workers to resources that are helpful, 2) connect folks in all areas of EC to each other, and 3) serve as a ‘home base’ to foster a more secure foundation for all things Early Childhood at UIC and beyond.

Strolling Thunder 2018

Dr. Zinsser and Graeson met with members of Congress on May 8th, 2018.

SETL Lab Director, Dr. Kate Zinsser and her son Graeson were selected to represent the state of Illinois in the Zero-to-Three day of advocacy in Washington D.C., called Strolling Thunder.

Along with families from every other state, they took over Capitol Hill and spoke about the importance of paid family leave, infant and early childhood mental health, and early childhood workforce development and compensation.

Meeting with Rep. Danny Davis
Meeting with Senator Dick Durbin
Meeting with Senator Duckworth's staff
Practicing sharing


Parents & Teachers

UIC Students

University of Illinois Chicago
Department of Psychology

Founded 2013

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